The fastest three months of the year

By Joey Bailey, NDFB Director of Organizational Development

School got out last week, and the kids hit the ground running. The days are longer, and the activities are endless. We always talk about how busy summer is yet how fast it goes. As parents, we often find ourselves caught in the whirlwind of endless to-do lists. Our routine is thrown out the window, and every day is different.

Those of you with teenagers can probably relate. Basketball open gyms, volleyball camps, Bible school, the county fair, hog jackpot shows, and the state fair are just a few of the activities that keep us on the go. We are either in the barn or in a gym until the sun goes down.

These experiences keep our teens engaged and off electronics and help them grow into well-rounded individuals. We embrace the summer season as a time of exploration, learning, and fun, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Amidst the chaos, it’s easy to forget that our time with our children isn’t forever. I saw a quote the other day that struck a chord: “You only have 18 summers with your kids.” That hit home because we have an 18-year-old as of this weekend. I know they are supposed to grow up, but it doesn’t make it any easier when they do!

This summer, I am going to work on appreciating the chaos, documenting the memories, and living in the moment!

Before we blink, the kids will be back in school, and another summer will be over. As the season winds down and the days grow shorter, I hope we all have a sense of fulfillment that comes from a summer well spent.

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