Corralling the chaos

by Haley Robison, NDFB Southwest Field Representative

I’m sure it feels like this every year, but this fall seems busier than ever for some reason. Between annual meetings, kids, and cattle, we haven’t had a moment to relax in months. Life has been chaotic lately, and I feel like the only thing I can do is try to corral the chaos as best as I can!

Annual meetings were great this year. the meetings and attendance finally started getting back to how it was pre-Covid. I always enjoy getting to go to all the meetings, seeing current and new members, and eating a delicious meal 3-4 times a week (that I didn’t have to cook)! However, I always feel a big sigh of relief when that final meeting is completed.

My boys keep me hopping!

On top of my busy work schedule, my two boys, Max and Hayes, keep me hopping. Max started preschool this fall. It’s taken a bit of adjustment getting used to school pick-ups (since it’s only half days) and a new schedule, but we’re slowly figuring it out and finding our new routines. With Hayes, we are in the early stages of potty training. Potty training toddler boys isn’t for the faint of heart! You need a lot of patience and laundry detergent!

Of course, we always have ranch work and cow work to do. We had to precondition calves this fall, ultrasound cows, wean all the calves, and sell steers. Plus, we put in a new set of corrals and still have plenty of fencing projects to complete before winter hits! It all feels never-ending! We added something new this year and are showing a couple of heifers this fall at the Northern International Livestock Exposition in Billings! We are excited to be trying something new and appreciate help from a great neighbor to get heifers ready!

Our “show and tell” heifers!

As busy as we may be, we always make an extra effort to make our boys feel included in our work. They are with us fencing, working cows, and they’ve loved helping get the “show and tell heifers,” (as Max calls them) halter broke and ready for the big day.

I love the busy season, and I feel every step we take is a step closer to reaching our goals. Yes, it has been pure chaos at the Robison household, but I feel blessed to get to do the things I love most: spending time with my boys and husband, ranching, and working day in and day out with some of the best people in the ag industry.

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