If it brings you joy

By Emily Evert, NDFB Assistant Corporate Secretary

’Tis the season to spark the, “When is it too early to start decorating for Christmas” debate. For most people, it depends largely on personal preference and tradition. Some people start as early as November 1st, while others wait until the beginning of Advent. There is also the more traditional approach of waiting until the afternoon of Christmas Eve. Personally, my Type A personality could never wait that long and only get to enjoy the décor for a short time!

So, when is the “right” time? I always say if it brings you joy, do it. There is no “right” time to decorate for the holidays. Our neighbor leaves their garland up year-round because she enjoys the ambiance of the light above her cabinets. She also started decorating for Christmas a month ago because she enjoys the colors and coziness. Christmas is a season, not just a holiday!

Growing up, we always waited until after my middle brother’s birthday on December 8th. After his birthday, my dad would take us to Kar-Du Toppers and RV Sales in Moorhead to buy a tree. We always had a real tree growing up. I didn’t like how prickly it was when hanging ornaments and I despised watering it because I would always miss the stand and water would go everywhere. I also specifically remember my parents strategically placing it next to our back sliding door so my dad could easily take it outside with minimal cleanup inside. I didn’t understand back then, but I do now!

My dad’s tradition of buying a real tree stuck with me. I get excited seeing the Nativity Church on University in Fargo setting up for their tree sale. We buy a Christmas tree from them every year and our kids enjoy picking one out and having hot chocolate afterward. There is something special about watching your children grow up through various traditions that warms your heart. Embracing activities that bring joy and satisfaction is a fundamental aspect of self-care and mental well-being. Whether it’s immersing yourself in a good book, taking a walk, or sipping your favorite coffee, these are not just brief moments of happiness. They are essential acts that nourish the soul, promote positive mental health, and generate an overall sense of life satisfaction. If an activity brings you joy, do it, unapologetically. Seize those moments. They contribute significantly to personal happiness and contentment.

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