My golf buddy

by Valerie Gordon, NDFB Assistant Treasurer

Summer is a special time of year for kids, filled with ample downtime and the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. Instead of being glued to screens all day, we encourage our children to engage in fun activities outside, if possible.

When my grandson visits me, he takes my golf clubs and enjoys hitting golf balls around the yard, despite occasionally losing a few in the process.

His interest in golf grew to the point where he started asking me to take him to the golf course for a few rounds. I agreed, but on one condition: he needed to take golf lessons before we could play on the course together. Like many children his age – he’s nine – he believes he knows everything, so it’s easier for him to learn from strangers rather than from his own family.

As luck would have it, his school was offering golf lessons this summer. He requested his mother sign him up and asked if I would accompany him. I gladly agreed to take him once a week to his lessons.

Our first task was to find a set of clubs that suited his size and needs. He required the whole package: a driver, irons, wedge, putter, golf bag, golf balls, and tees. His thrifty-minded mother managed to find a nice set at a rummage sale.

It warms my heart that he enjoys spending time with me. I know that as he grows older, these moments will become increasingly rare. I’ve been there for many of his milestones; from his first tooth to his first steps. And I hope to be there when he eventually achieves his first hole-in-one, although that remains a dream for now.

During our drives to the golf course, we can’t talk because he says he, “needs to focus.” I love how he verbalizes his thoughts. The lessons last for two hours, and afterward, we head to the clubhouse for a refreshing drink.

Before we know it, we’ll be out on the golf course, and he’ll be the one teaching me. Time certainly flies when you’re having fun!

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